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Hellenism, Romanization and cultural identity in Massalia.

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'Κατα δέ Σικελίν ησαν τύραννοι': Notes on tyrannies in Sicily between the death of Agathocles and the coming of Pyrrhus (289–279 B.C.). The Greek man in the Iberian Street: non-colonial Greek identity in Spain and southern France. Euesperides: Cyrenaica and its contacts with the Greek world. Hecataeus’ knowledge of the Western Mediterranean. Some Greek inscriptions on native vases from South East Italy. Neben- und Miteinander in archaischer Zeit: Die Beziehungen von Italikern und Etruskern zum griechischen Poseidonia. A proposito di un kantharos a figure nere da Gravisca. Un dono per gli dei: kantharoi e gigantomachie. Purloined Letters: the Aristonothos inscription and krater. A short history of pygmies in Greece and Italy. Phokäische Thalassokratie Oder Phantom-Phokäer? Die Frühgriechischen Keramikfunde Im Süden Der Iberischen Halbinsel Aus Der Ägäischen Perspektive. The identity of early Greek pottery in Italy and Spain: an archaeometric perspective. Siculo-geometric and the Sikels: Ceramics and identity in eastern Sicily. How ‘Greek’ were the early western Greeks?. Euboeans and others along the Tyrrhenian Seaboard in the 8th century B.C.

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